Constitution of The Black Lake Fish & Game Assn., Inc. 1940
Article I
This club shall be called The Black Lake Fish & Game Assn.
Article II
This club is formed for the protection and conservation of fish, game, song birds and forest, to create a better understanding of the rights of the farmer and more appreciation of the privileges granted to the sportsman and farmer. To encourage the propagation of the fish and game and the restocking of the fields and public waters. To co-operate with Federal, State, County and the Municipal authorities in strictly enforcing the laws for the protection of fish, game, song birds and forest, and to assist in creating a better understanding and appreciation of the value of wildlife to the people and the necessity of its proper protection in order to insure a sufficient supply for the future. To aid in securing beneficial legislation for the protection of our wildlife.
Article III
The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, to be elected by the club at its annual meeting and they shall be known as the Board of Management.
Article IV
Duties of Officers:
The duties of the officers shall be such as appertain to their respective offices in similar societies.
The President shall have power to appoint such committees as are necessary for the successful operation of the club, and shall have the authority to call a meeting of the club when he sees fit, or upon request of the vote of two thirds of a quorum at any meeting.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and records of all business transacted by the club, he shall attend all correspondence connected with his office and shall render such assistance as is possible to all committees.
Article I
Admission Fees and Dues:
The admission fee of the club shall be one dollar which fee shall include one year’s dues. The annual dues of this club $3.00 payable on the first of January, on which date the Treasurer shall bill each member for the following year. Any member in arrears for one year’s dues shall be dropped from the club.
Article II
Honorary Membership:
Persons distinguished for their scientific knowledge in matters of interest to this club, or who have contributed greatly to further its objects, may be elected an honorary members. Such members shall be exempt from payment of dues, but shall have no vote in proceedings of the club.
Article III
Any auxiliary, if and when formed, shall consist of boys under sixteen years of age and that shall be eligible to all privileges of the club except a vote.
Article IV
Any member desiring to sever his relations with this club shall notify the Sec’y of his intention and the resignation may be accepted by a vote of the club.
Article V
Order of Business:
– Reading of minutes of the last previous meeting
– Communications
– Applications of membership
– Unfinished business
– Report of officers and committees
– New business
– Bills and accounts
– Election of officers
– Good of the Ass’n.
– Adjournment