1 Gilmour Rd., Ogdensburg, NY 13669
PO Box 125, Hammond, NY 13646 | 315-523-0298

Adult Archery – League Info Meeting

Meeting @ 6pm for those that are interested in starting an Adult Archery League. Come with your ideas and we'll figure out a plan if there is enough interest!

Open Adult Archery

A relaxed, fun evening of open indoor archery!Crossbows are welcome for open archery. Can’t make it every Thursday night, that’s okay - just attend whenever you can!AMembership to the BLFGA is required! Regular - $50; Couple - $70; Family - $100$5 each week you attend

Build a Buddy @ the BLFGA

Come start off Winter Break with a fun activity for all ages!! BUILD A BUDDY is coming to the BLFGA on Friday, February 21st from 5pm-7pm!! Build a Buddy is a mobile stuffing machine with multiple different stuffed animals and outfits to choose from (see prices on FB event). Refreshments will also be available for …